Where do adenomas grow?
FAP is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract which refers to the stomach, small intestine, and, most particularly, the large intestine.
Digestive Tract
Food passes through the gullet, or esophagus, into the stomach. The stomach is divided into two parts, the opening and the body, or fundus. Digestion takes place in the small intestine which consists of three portions: duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum, the shortest part, is an area where adenomas may cluster, especially around the narrow entrance of the bile duct and the pancreas referred to as the ampulla.
The large intestine, divided into the colon and rectum, is approximately 1.5 metres long. Its function is to convert water and minerals, or liquid waste, into a more solid form. It is a warehouse for stool before evacuation takes place through the external opening, or anus. This organ is not required for digestion which occurs in the stomach and small intestine. The large intestine may also be referred to as the large bowel.