Anger experienced post-operatively can be related to a new diagnosis, prolonged and complicated hospital stays, treatments, the unknown, poor relationships with health care providers, or stress.
To help alleviate anger seen in patients, the nurse can:
Acknowledge the patient. Do not ignore the patient.
Encourage patient to identify and verbalize real sources of anger.
Confront patient with empathetic stance and set limits on unreasonable demands.
Establish limits and rules for behaviour.
Discuss with patient what is reasonable to expect.
Ensure that patient receives consistent messages from all health care team members.
Be consistent — schedule enough time to work with patient so neither of you feel pressured. If assistance is required, consult with the Enterostomal Therapy Nurse, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Social Work, Psychiatry.
Teach difference between good nursing care and catering to excessive demands.
Consult psychiatric team if agitation continues and is not responsive to verbal interventions.